Some of the most successful landscapes throughout the Valley of the Sun combine the natural beauty of green lawns and desert landscaping. Although it may seem like the two would be difficult to co-mingle, our experts at J&D Lawn Service, a hometown Mesa lawn service, can help you discover the benefits of both.
What a Xeriscape Is
The “xeri” in xeriscape comes from the Greek, which means dry. It’s applied to a style of landscaping often seen in arid regions. It works well here in the desert as it incorporates native, low-water use plants. Combining xeriscaped areas with lawn areas can enhance the beauty and functionality of both.
For example, many of the newer golf courses in the Phoenix area use perimeter xeriscape landscaping along their fairways. You may also have seen front and backyards that combine both, with turf as the centerpiece, fringed by low-water use plants and hardscape materials, like crushed granite.
Having a grassy area, even if it’s small, provides a cool and comfortable place for children and pets to play. The xeriscape provides a buffer area that requires less water and frames and highlights the turf.
Getting Started
Although these landscapes look effortless to install and maintain, you may still want to consult a landscape specialist to help you create the perfect design for your yard. Once designed, our Mesa lawn service experts from J&D Lawn Service can help you maintain your yard so it is looking good all year long.
When considering your yard, you want to think about some native plants to include. Not all drought resistant plants have the same water and sunshine requirements, like bougainvillea. This shrub blooms best when it receives little to no supplemental water, and placing it too close to the turf area could keep it from blooming. Succulents are often used in a xeriscape for color, shape and texture contrasts, but some varieties have better sun tolerance than others. It’s also a given that the turf area will require more water and food than the xeriscaped portions. Our Mesa lawn service experts at J&D can help you keep both areas lush and attractive.
Contact us at J&D Lawn Service for all of your Mesa lawn service needs and to learn more about combining the beauty and benefits of xeriscape with your yard today.
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